
how to enable double tap to wake (knock on)

Double tap to wake gains accessing your machine earlier and also less complicated, allowing you to wake your machine merely by tapping the brandish. Some users – me entailed – locate this amenity so helpful that they won’t acquire a mobile that doesn’t have it. Faucet to wake is missing out on from the Nexus 6P by default, yet it is potential to add it to this machine. Read on to locate out how.

AndroidPIT Nexus 6P battery pointers 1
This is how to avail tap to wake on the Nexus 6P. / © ANDROIDPIT

What is tap to wake (knock on)?

Faucet to wake is an Android amenity that makes it feasible for you wake your machine by twin tapping on the brandish instead of pressing the power button. It’s likewise known as knock on. The inkling is that it gains it less complicated and also much more sensible to scrutinize the time, go to notifications or unlock your machine.

How do I avail Faucet to wake on the Nexus 6P?

Soliciting tap to wake on the Nexus 6P is simplified, goodbye as you have root privileges. If your Nexus 6P isn’t rooted, you can locate a guide for how to render it so at this web affiliation (please chit that this will overrule your warranty).

As shortly as you’re rooted and also started and also eager to do, download and also suspension this app on your 6P.

Location on Google Dabble

You will have to deliver it authorization to activate on your machine, yet once this is granted, you’re commendable to go.

Permit us realise in the remarks if this massaged out for you, and also whether you’re reaping Double tap to wake on your Nexus 6P.

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