
The Best HyperOS Features in Your Xiaomi Smartphone

You can realize whether your smartphone has currently recovered or will understandably retrieve the HyperOS simplify below. With one voice the attributes and also moves detailed below have been investigated on a Xiaomi 14 (testimonial) and also a Xiaomi 14 Ultra (testimonial). Singularly, the majority of of them are accessible on most Xiaomi, Redmi, and also Poco smartphones as nicely. Some aims are also accessible on senior manifestations of Xiaomi’s OS, such as MIUI 14 (testimonial).


  • Spick-and also-span covering and also ergonomics
  • Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset
  • The main video camera is awesome under unanimously disorders
  • Hardy battery spiritedness and also rapid reenergizing rate
  • 4 sizeable Android modernizes & 5 years of counterclaim modernizes


  • Zero sizeable desired attributes in HyperOS and also plenty of bloatware
  • Frustrating ultra-wide angle image meniscus
  • Still overheats a fragment (once sprinting benchmarks)
Xiaomi 14

Surf through testimonial

Xiaomi 14

How to filter your implementations by shade code to render them less attribute to situate

HyperOS enables you filter symbols by their leading shade. Personally, I detected this HyperOS attribute handy to position an deployment in a much much more instinctive manner. Basically everyone understands that WhatsApp’s icon is environment-friendly, Youtube’s is red, and also so on. This, in my factor of sight, and also without any mockery whatsoever, is my favourite HyperOS attribute.

  1. Surf through Arrangements, identify Abode supervise.
  2. At the optimal of the sub-food selection, identify Abode Sport.
  3. Choose the“With deployment drawer” substitute.
  4. Scroll down and also permit the slider dubbed “Group symbols by shade“.

Now, whenever you responsive the deployment drawer on your Xiaomi smartphone, you can sight tiny colored bubbles straightened out at the advice of the supervise. Merely press the leading shade of your selection to situate the implementations whose symbols suit.

Go to the full tutorial for sifting your implementations by shade in HyperOS.

How to receive an reaction switch advice on iPhone 15

I must admit that the title is rather an exaggeration, as there is no committed reaction switch advice the one on the Apple iPhone 15 Pro (testimonial) or the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max (testimonial). However, you can appoint the terribly same capacities to the power and also standby buttons, such as turning on the flashlight or launching the Web video camera app right. To execute so, continue as below:

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Secondary placements.
  3. Surf through Gesture much faster means.
  4. You can now advice to Launch video camera and also/or Turn on flashlight.
  5. Surf through Launch video camera.
    1. Turn on the upper switch if you dream to exit the video camera by emboldening the power switch twice in smartphone posture.
    2. Turn on the low switch if you dream to exit the video camera by emboldening the volume switch twice in locked posture.
  6. Surf through Turn on flashlight.
    1. Turn on the switch if you dream to rotate the flashlight on or off by emboldening the on/off switch twice.

How to illuminate your selfies in low light ailments

Xiaomi bargains you an substitute in the placements to illuminate your smartphone’s supervise by means of a circle that aims as a flashlight or torch. This supplies your night selfies a tiny much more detailed without offering up the herbal gander of the inoculation. You can correspondingly gain gain service of of this purpose (referred to as Fill Light) for your video phone refers to as on WhatsApp or unalike other apps.

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Secondary placements.
  3. Scroll down until you surf through Front video camera assistant.
  4. Turn on the Front video camera assistant below.
  5. You can also match the lights level to suit your taste.

How to exit implementations in a floating window as without standoff as prospective

Samsung isn’t the singular maker to invest in multitasking for its smartphones. Xiaomi bargains a smorgasbord of much faster means in HyperOS to aid you be much more reliable.

Launching an deployment in a floating window is a terribly humble point on a Xiaomi smartphone. The nostalgic ideology is as follows:

  1. Filch from the advice to the middle of the supervise without unleashing your finger to responsive the slide carousel of present implementations.
  2. Pick the deployment of your selection, after that press and also grip it down.
  3. In the contextual food selection wheel, identify the 3rd icon from the optimal

In the present implementations food selection, you’ll correspondingly situate a switch at the optimal escaped realized as “Drifting windows”. Nagging it carries up a sidebar containing symbols of the apps responsive on your smartphone. You can identify any of them to brandish the matching app in a floating window.

A second ideology is a tiny much faster and also needs less moves:

  1. Launch the deployment you dream to switch to a floating window in full supervise posture.
  2. Once the deployment is launched, swipe up from the advice of the supervise without unleashing your finger.
  3. You have to be able to surf through a square icon at the optimal of the supervise by means of two diagonal arrows recommending towards each unalike other. Drag and also lessen the deployment to the icon and also exit your finger.

To rejoinder to full supervise posture, merely swipe down from the sidebar at the advice of the floating window.

Finally, the last and also fastest ideology to exit a floating-window deployment in HyperOS is by means of the Sidebar. The Sidebar is a taskbar that appears once you swipe from the side of your Xiaomi supervise to the contrary instruction. The Sidebar has much faster means to your favourite implementations and also supplies it straightforward to responsive them in a window:

  1. Filter at that the SideBar is vivid (Secondary placements > Drifting windows > Sidebar)
  1. Sport the Sidebar by pocketing from the side of your supervise (a tiny transparent bar mirrors the pocketing locale).
  2. Once the Sidebar is presented, merely identify the icon for the deployment of your selection

How to reassign swipe down to brandish the alert pane/manipulate core

Once you swipe down the home supervise of your Xiaomi smartphone, it will understandably brandish the Alerts spectre and also Equalize Amenity. Relying on your HyperOS manifestation, it could be the Comb food selection that’s presented by default.

If you’d advice to go previously to the ratty product because it’s much more instinctive, it’s terribly humble:

  1. Surf through your Xiaomi smartphone’s Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Abode supervise.
  3. Pick Filch down on the Abode supervise.
  4. Pick Notification spectre and also Equalize Amenity.

You can read our full tutorial on how to match the swipe down on your Xiaomi if you’d advice much more niceties on how to execute so.

How to penalty your Xiaomi smartphone much faster

Xiaomi is one of the the majority of future-forward constructors once it comes to reenergizing modern technology. It’s one reaction forward of Apple, Samsung, or Google.

Singularly, if you would advice to expand your battery spiritedness, Xiaomi doesn’t offer optimum reenergizing power by default. If your Xiaomi, Redmi, or Poco smartphone welcomes 120 watts of wired reenergizing, you will understandably must turn on an substitute to top peculiarity from it.

To execute this:

  1. Surf through Arrangements, adhered to by Battery.
  2. In the Battery submenu, identify Secondary attributes.
  3. Pick Eruption reenergizing rate.
  4. Make it feasible for the Eruption reenergizing rate slider switch.

How to expand the RAM of your Xiaomi smartphone

This purpose is terribly nicely-realized and also widespread on Xiaomi smartphones and also unanimously its sub-brands. You can appoint portion of your storage to your RAM to “basically” boom your smartphone’s RAM.

This can be a handy attribute to permit your smartphone to sprinted much more efficiently on resource-hungry apps and also mobile phone games.

To boom the RAM of your Xiaomi smartphone:

  • Surf through Arrangements, adhered to by Secondary placements.
  • In the Extraordinary Features hole, identify Retrospect Extension.
  • Pick the amount of storage you pine to be weared.

You could not be able to identify the amount of storage to be apportioned to RAM depending on your Xiaomismartphone. On some smartphones, the amount of second RAM is locked to one or much more predefined boundaries. The minimum is 3 GB at the minute. Of training course, you will understandably must ensure that you have sufficient accessible storage on your smartphone for this attribute to job.

How to swipe full advantage of the battery on your Xiaomi smartphone

If you were to call your Xiaomi smartphone’s battery utility, you’ll perhaps surf through a post inviting you to swipe full advantage of said battery. Once you press this switch, you’ll access a terribly wondrous sub-food selection.

HyperOS connotes a digit of openings you can swipe to preserve your battery. These are terribly details assignments, and also the interface also notifies you how most minutes of battery spiritedness you can gain by using a specific reaction.

  • Surf through Arrangements, after that Battery
  • Pick Battery investigate-up.
  • Pick one or much more of the openings niggled by HyperOS.

How to gain gain service of of much faster means on your lock supervise

On your Xiaomi lock supervise, you can surf through a tiny switch at the advice escaped of the supervise. If you swipe right while emboldening this switch, a food selection of much faster means will understandably show up.

You can turn on/shut down the Slide carousel wallpaper, responsive Google Wallet or Abode, access your Mi personal, and also turn on the flashlight.

It is not yet prospective to customize this food selection and also add unalike other much faster means.

How to strategy your heart price wearing the fingerprint reader

This rather newfangled purpose from Xiaomi that enables you strategy your heart price in BPM by means of the fingerprint reader. As much as I realize, your smartphone must have a fingerprint reader under the supervise for it to job. It won’t job if the reader is under the power switch on the edge of the smartphone.

To turn on this purpose:

  • Surf through HyperOS Arrangements.
  • Surf through Secondary placements.
  • Pick Heart price.
  • Grasp your finger over the fingerprint reader slot for 15 secs without sending.

Render the fingerprint reader under the supervise much more discreet

This pointer addresses a terribly corner “last offer”. Mostly, the pointer is to low the illumination of the fingerprint reader under the supervise of your Xiaomi smartphone. To check your finger prints, the reader assignments a light onto portion of the supervise so that you plainly surf through your dermatoglyph.

It appears some individual complained that the projected light by the sensor was also fierce. This purpose was vastly grossed to render the fingerprint reader icon much more discreet at night or in morbid ambiences. To low the illumination of the fingerprint reader:

  1. Surf through Arrangements, after that to Fingerprints, challenge documents, and also supervise lock.
  2. Pick Finger print unlock.
  3. Scroll down to the Others hole.
  4. Under Others, permit the Low light fingerprint unlock slider switch.

Virtually, this purpose singular works if your smartphone has an under-supervise fingerprint reader. Xiaomi identified that unlocking could swipe a tiny much longer than public once this purpose is founded in chore.

Swivelling your under-supervise fingerprint reader right into a much faster means

This is a terribly motivating attribute, particularly if Xiaomi were to render it much more customizable in the future. You will understandably must have a fingerprint reader under the supervise of your Xiaomi smartphone for it to job.

  1. Surf through Arrangements, after that to Fingerprints, challenge documents, and also supervise lock.
  2. Surf through Finger print unlock.
  3. Pick Faster means and also permit the slider switch.

Once you unlock your smartphone wearing the fingerprint reader, you can vacate your finger pressed down to rotate the fingerprint reader right into a much faster means. Lone two much faster means are currently accessible: the QR code reader and also the product scour purpose.

  1. Unlock your Xiaomi smartphone by means of the fingerprint reader.
  2. Preserve your finger pressed down on the supervise after unlocking.
  3. Slide your finger to the right or escaped, depending on the much faster means you prefered.

How to disable ads in HyperOS

You must endure a digit of moves to totally disable unanimously ads in the HyperOS interface, and also it would swipe an entirety message to nicety these moves. The sweet news is, we’ve tied you to one below. Singularly, you can prelude by means of the the majority of terribly justifiable reaction: crippling the MSA or HyperOS Tool Promotions deployment.

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Fingerprints, challenge documents, and also supervise lock.
  3. Under Authorization & revocation shut down the msa slider switch.
  4. Delay 10 secs and also press Revoke to verify

This have to separate the majority of of the ads. Lug out chit these are singular the “product” ads in the HyperOS interface, unalike other ads could stick around in some of Xiaomi’s native implementations, so you’ll have to disable them independently. Isn’t that sweet?

How to retrieve HyperOS modernizes much faster

Xiaomi doesn’t adhere to Google to the letter once it comes to modernizes and also desired attribute deployments. In some instances amongst Xiaomi fans, the conservative wisdom is this: it’s not the manifestation of Android that counts, however the HyperOS manifestation. Assistance any unalike other Chinese maker, Xiaomi initially deploys desired manifestations of its skin in China before rolling out global manifestations to the rest of the earth. Singularly, there’s a secret to bring HyperOS modernizes in Europe before anyone else.

  1. Launch the Xiaomi Municipal deployment and also design an account.
  2. Surf through your profile and also access Arrangements.
  3. Readjust your expanse to Global.
  4. Revert to your profile and also identify the “Beta decontaminating” submenu;
  5. Filter at if a employment project to checkup a desired manifestation of HyperOS is accessible.
  6. Apply and also postpone for your deployment to be validated.
  7. Once you’ve used, investigate if the simplify is accessible in“Around tools“.

How to design HyperOS much faster means by means of the Recommend Faucet purpose

The HyperOS Recommend Faucet purpose enables you gain gain service of of the double and also triple tap gestures at the previously of your Xiaomi smartphone to design much faster means (swipe screenshots, and also so on.).

To turn on the HyperOS Recommend Faucet purpose on your Xiaomi smartphone:

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Secondary placements.
  3. Surf through Gesture much faster means.
  4. Pick Recommend tap (Xiaomi’s translations rise and fall).
  5. Choose Double previously tap or Triple previously tap.
  6. Pick which much faster means you dream to relate by means of the gesture

How to swipe full advantage of your HyperOS much faster means by means of Rapid bulbous

Rapid Ball or Touch Underling is a momentous attribute that enables you to have a digital much faster means switch on your home supervise. Nagging this floating switch (Rapid bulbous > bulbous > much faster means, got it?) confers you access to a series of 5 much faster means. You can appoint a digit of openings to each of these 5 much faster means, such as readjusting to the home supervise, readjusting to silent posture, and also so on.

  1. Surf through Arrangements
  2. Surf through Secondary placements, adhered to by Rapid bulbous.
  3. Make it feasible for Rapid bulbous by means of the slider switch, adhered to by Pick much faster means.
  4. From your Abode supervise, tap the floating bubble to exit the Rapid bulbous.

The bubble is floating, so you can reaction any place you pine on the home supervise of your Xiaomi or Redmi smartphone. You can correspondingly conceal it by pocketing toward the edge of the supervise.

How to cast your Xiaomi supervise by means of the Global Spreading Tool

Xiaomi enables you cast any textile from your smartphone supervise to your TV or any unalike other type of hooked supervise, or also PC.

  1. Surf through Arrangements adhered to by More connection fallbacks.
  2. Surf through Actors and also turn on the Actors slider switch.
  3. Scan tools hooked to the terribly same Wi-Fi network as your smartphone.
  4. Attach your smartphone to your TV or PC.

This Global casting tool correspondingly bargains second attributes such as the aptitude to conceal facets on the supervise by means of a humble tap, or to cast in the background, also by means of the supervise of your Xiaomi smartphone once locked.

How to turn on the FPS counter

Real gamers realize the sacrosanct FPS is inseparable from the gambling suffer. Personally, if Handset phone call of Chore Handset reductions also one tiny frame below 60 FPS, I’ll throw my phone in the waste can and also acquire a desired one before suing the maker. Zero means!

  1. Turn on Programmer fallbacks (tap HyperOS manifestation 7 times in Around phone).
  2. Surf through Arrangements after that Secondary placements.
  3. Surf through Programmer fallbacks.
  4. Scroll down to the Security hole.
  5. Under Security, press Power consumption.
  6. In Frame Price Sport Equipments, press Overture.

The information presented in real-time at the optimal escaped of the supervise and also is superimposed on the deployment brandish. To inhibit this, you can lower the window, reaction it, or merely close it. Please chit that this counter is opposite from the one available by Google, which can correspondingly be detected in the programmer fallbacks.

How to turn on Remarkably Wallpapers

This attribute caused quite a stir once HyperOS 12 was launched, however is no much longer terribly desired in 2022. Remarkably Wallpapers are Xiaomi’s animated wallpapers. They attribute nature and also astronomy concepts, by means of spectacular perceives of Mars and also the ilk. Whenever you unlock your Xiaomi smartphone, the wallpaper magnifications in substantially.

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Wallpaper
  3. Pick Remarkably Wallpaper.

This attribute is not accessible on unanimously Xiaomi smartphones by default. The maker appears to retrieve it for Xiaomi, Redmi, and also Poco smartphones equipped by means of sufficiently powerful SoCs, or mid-smorgasbord mobile phones as the bare minimum. Rest swore, it’s straightforward sufficient to cobble with each other your terribly own Remarkably Wallpaper on any Android smartphone by means of APKs.

Turn on sunshine posture to boom illumination

Every Android skin bargains an adaptive illumination level that conforms to ambient light. Not everyone intakes it though, particularly if you’re weared to gambling on your Xiaomi smartphone. For those that wear’t gain gain service of of adaptive illumination however still pine their supervise to stick around legible outdoors, HyperOS bargains a “sunshine” posture.

The pointer is to subconsciously boom illumination as quickly as you vacate the home. Mostly, illumination singular changes subconsciously once you go exterior in bright sunshine. For the rest of the time, it stays at the level you’ve system.

  1. Surf through Arrangements.
  2. Surf through Sport adhered to by Illumination Level.
  3. Make it feasible for the Sunlight posture slider switch (adaptive illumination must initially be shut down).

How to guard your images by means of a watermark

Disturbed around someone pocketing the images you message digital? If so, a watermark is commonly an reliable means of conserving them. You can add it by means of thirdly-party implementations or right by means of your Xiaomi smartphone. In reality, the purpose is currently pre-installed as an on-board tool. In merely a few moves, you can add a watermark of up to 14 individualities to the images in your gallery. Listed below’s how you execute it:

  1. In your gallery, press the three-dot food selection while you’re viewing the image of your selection.
  2. In the context food selection, identify Protective watermark.
  3. Compose any post you advice below (14 individualities optimum).

Blur an deployment creep glance in the present implementations food selection

Stab to inhibit your fascinated buddies from seeing also much of what’s recording hole on your Xiaomi smartphone? In HyperOS, you can blur the creep glance of your the majority of recently opened up implementations to render them indistinguishable. Turn on this purpose and also no one will understandably be able to surf through which folder you navigated to last. Listed below’s how to execute it:

  1. Surf through Arrangements, adhered to by Abode Sport.
  2. Scroll to the advice and also identify Chef up items in Recents.
  3. Pick Blur app creep peeks.
  4. Pick the app(s) whose creep glance you dream to blur.

That’s unanimously for our overview to the good enigma attributes and also strategies in HyperOS. Did you situate this message handy? Did you learn a attribute you didn’t realize around? Understandably you have a pointer that isn’t detailed in this overview?

If you pine to dive deeper, you can investigate out our checklist of the good One UI reminders for your Samsung, as nicely as the good iOS attributes for your iPhone.

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